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The Blue Riders’ (Der Blaue Reiter) ideals inspire and motivate me to remain working openly and freely with my use of color; those artists considered color essential to relay their images, that it could create a spiritual experience for each viewer.  Their belief was that color could evoke a specific feeling, or emulate one precisely.  One tint of purple may remind a person of a wild passion flower they saw for the first time whilst on a camping trip, and that same purple may take another person down memory lane, the purple of their childhood bedroom walls.  Color is open-ended and never ceasing, an infinite thing to be discovered and practiced with any and every combination of pigments.  With watercolor, the lack of pigment is the light source.

After four years of art school and some time out in the real world as an artist, I have grown fond of the watercolor medium.  I can take my palette anywhere...but I mostly I love this medium because it reminds me that color is consistently infinite, that inspiration can come from small things, and that there are truths deep within the mind; colors are our inspiration to keep seeing and searching.

My work in quite nature-driven.  I believe that simply using water to create art provides an organic aesthetic and experience; as the tinted water seeps into tiny crevasses of the paper, it reaches out in arms of pigment until its momentum and fluidity is lost and forever caught in the texture of the cotton paper.  Watercolor taught me that if I'm going to make a mark, I'd better be brave and mean it.

"Don't look back.  They're gaining on you."

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